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A trip to the aquarium was followed by a New England meal of fried seafood. At the restaurant there is a carousal that donates all proceeds to a charity. Meilin enjoyed her ride but there was no platform for me to stand on so she couldn't ride a horse. She sat in a wagon with Kailei. She LOVED it! I'm sure she would enjoy the horses even better but she is too little to sit by herself on one. As always Kailei kept a close watch on her baby sister.

Who doesn't love a good book! Meilin and Kailei both enjoy reading books. Meilin squeals with delight when one of us sits in the chair with a book to read to her. Kailei read to her today. "Mama Says Shhh" is her favorite book.

It was a momentous day in our house today. Kailei woke up wanting her ears pierced so off we went to Claires. They did a great job. Everything was clean and sanitized! Kailei didn't even flinch! She is as beautiful as ever in her new bling.

Meilin is a little love bug. She gives kisses several times a day without me even asking her. She puckers up her lips and plasters a wet one on me. I love every minute of it. My friend Kelly captured a kiss at the lake. Thanks Kelly for taking the picture. I don't have many pictures with my girls and me since I am usually behind the camera.

The girls and I ate at Trevor and Heather's house the other night. Meilin enjoyed eating the corn but would not pick it up with her hands. She kept it on the tray and bent over to take her bites. Too funny to watch. She is also amazed by Gavin. She kept walking over to him while he was in the swing. Meilin babbled away to him. Being the good sport that he his, he sat and listened!