Meilin is slowly adjusting to the new time zone and her life in America. She doesn't mind her carseat of being in the car. She usually falls asleep. Monday she had her first doctor's appointment. The poor thing received 5 shots and was up in the middle of the night with a 103 degree temp. The next terrible day will be when she has to have blood drawn. I am nervous to get this done since after the doctor's appointment she became very clingy again. I don't want to jeopardize our attachment but I also know that the tests must be done. Kailei is back in school and sleeping through the night once again. Being at school and with her friends has been good for her.Meilin is still waking up from 1-3 a.m. so I am tired! I rock her and I don't turn on any lights. She would like to get up and play but that is not happening. Meilin is an observer. She takes everything in to make sure that it is safe and then she dives in. We are hoping it warms up soon so that we can use the pool. She LOVES the water.
What I have read lately
6 years ago
We had our first doctors appointment yesterday. Arianna received 4 shots (one less than Meilin since there is one they do not do after 2 years of age), had 6 vials of blood drawn, and an X-ray of her lower septum. Last night was not a good one.