Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Santa's Village

Dad and I took Kailei and Austin to Santa's Village this year. What a magical place. I was fascinated with the workshop. Little elves working, toys everywhere, a roaring fire in the fireplace, Christmas music blaring! The kids enjoyed seeing Santa, Mrs. Claus, Rudolph and the workshop. They both left with two toys and tummies filled with candy canes and hot cocoa!


The holiday season began with my Christmas party. Kailei had her pageant and she was chosen to read. She memorized her part. She looked so tiny standing behind the podium!
Christmas Eve was spent at Trevor and Heather's house. We had dinner and attended mass at 6:00. Upon returning home the children opened their new jammies and promptly changed into them. Dessert was served and dad read Twas the Night Before Christmas. The kids were giddy with excitement.
Kailei woke up at 4:45 on Christmas morning. I sent her back to bed until 6:30 but she never fell back to sleep. Mom and dad came over to watch her open her gifts. We had a delicious breakfast and played all morning. By 12 Kailei was ready for a nap. After we woke up we went to mom and dad's for dinner.
Celebrating with three young children is joyous! Next year there will be another little one joining them since Heather and Trevor are expecting their third child in July. Hopefully Meilin will be coming home in a year or two also.

New Blog

I've decided to keep our family and friends updated on our lives by starting a blog. Enjoy!